Parish Community


Blessed is the man who trusts in the LORD, and whose Hope is in the Lord (Jeremiah 17:7)


Volunteer Groups

St Peter and the Guardian Angels  RC Church has a vibrant Community of dedicated Volunteers. You are welcome to join this great Community. Please talk to Father TesfaMichael if you are interested in joining one of the groups of dedicated Volunteers.


The catechists are a group of people in our parish who share their faith with adults and children. Catechists help with the preparation programmes for Baptism, First Confession, First Holy Communion, RCIA and Confirmation. Please contact Father Tesfamichael


Readers read the Epistle and Responsorial Psalm at weekday Masses, the Saturday Vigil mass and Sunday Masses

Any Parishioner may volunteer to join the Readers. Readers are provided with monthly rotas. Special rotas are produced for Holy Week and Christmas after Readers’ availability has been ascertained. Contact Father TesfaMichael

Altar Servers

We are really privileged to have a young dedicated group of people serving in our Parish.

The Altar Servers form a very important part of the church and our parish is enriched through their dedication and service.  It is a very important responsibility and requires a sincere commitment

Altar Servers must have completed First Holy Communion and First Reconciliation.

The Prayer of the Guild of St Stephen

O God, you accept our ministry and allow us to serve at your altar; grant that while serving you we follow the example of our patron, St. Stephen, the martyr, and that we may like him, come to see Jesus standing at your right hand in the Kingdom of Heaven. We ask this through Jesus Christ, your son. Amen.

If you or your child would like to find out more about becoming an Altar Server please see the Catechists (Mary, Martha or Shannon0

Altar linen Changers

Our altar linen does not launder itself. At the moment we only have one Parishioner  who launders the altar clothes and (very carefully) irons them.  Please let Father Tesfamichael know if you would like to help


Our stewards are the welcome face of our Parish.  Now more than ever we need stewards to help with making sure our Parishioners stay safe when they come for mass. Please contact Martha.

Shop Volunteers

If you are interested in volunteering in the shop, please talk to Oxana

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion

Eucharistic Ministers (or to be more accurate Extraordinary Ministers of The Eucharist) assist at Masses with the distribution of the Blessed Sacrament under both kinds. They also take Communion to the sick and housebound within the Parish.

Members of the Parish are invited to become Ministers by the Parish Priest. After some initial local instruction, they are required to attend a special Mass at the Cathedral, where they are accepted into the Ministry and receive a certificate of appointment.
They are also required to attend Days of Recollection as and when organised.

Ministers are provided with a monthly rotas. Special rotas are produced for Holy Week and Christmas after Ministers’ availability has been ascertained.

Children’s Liturgy Group

There is a group of people who help with Children’s Liturgy on a rota basis at 11:00am Mass on Sundays in term time; a catechist runs each session.

Children who have not yet made their First Holy Communion are invited by the Priest to the Newman room, where they participate in prayers and listen to a simplified version of the Gospel for that day. Once the Gospel has been read the children are encouraged to discuss the story and its meaning whilst enjoying an activity based on the theme. The children are led back into the church for the offertory procession bringing their work up to the altar. If you are interested in joining the team, please contact Father TesfaMichael


Our sacristans work closely with the Priest to ensure that the sanctuary is ready for each Mass and other service.

​Are the candles ready to be lit? Are the right books in the right places? Are there enough hosts ready for the consecration? The list is endless, but we would all notice if some of it was not being done!  We are looking for more Sacristans.  Please contact Father TesfaMichael.

Church Cleaning Group

Volunteers work together on the cleaning of the church. Volunteers give as much time as they can spare.  There is a rota for cleaners.  There are 4 cleaning teams and each team cleans once a week.    Our cleaners work very hard dusting and polishing areas and finishing off with a sweep, vacuum and mop if there is time.  There is always a need for volunteers.  Please speak to Father Tesfamichael if you would like to help.

Offertory procession, collections and Counting Money

Several parishioners at each of our Saturday evening and Sunday Masses are responsible for the monetary collections taken at each Mass. They often also arrange for individuals, children or family groups to take part in the Offertory Procession.

​If you want to help with the collection or counting of the money, or if you would like to take part in the Offertory Procession, just ask Father TesfaMichael.

Society of St Vincent de Paul (SVP) Rotherhithe Conference

Guardian Angels Climate Sunday Group

72 Paradise Street, Rotherhithe, London SE16 4QD

(020) 7237 2969

Charity number: 235468